Ministry Team
Portland Fellowship comprises of both staff and volunteers. Many who complete the Taking Back Ground program join the leadership team in the form of teachers, worship leaders, prayer partners, and small group leaders. PF has a Board of Directors who oversee the Executive Director position, who inturn, manages a staff. Although we have several amazing people leading our different programs, the following are a few leaders who oversee different parts of our ministry.

Jason Thompson - Executive Director
In 1989, at the age of 19, Jason Thompson approached a crossroads in his young life --what to do with his unwanted same-sex feelings. Relying on his Christian upbringing, he made the life-changing decision to follow God's word and sought help to overcome his struggle and walk in freedom. His search led him to Portland Fellowship, a Christ-centered ministry to those who desire change from sexual brokenness. Through biblical discipleship and loving support, Jason found the freedom he was seeking and now serves as Executive Director for Portland Fellowship.
Jason graduated from Multnomah Bible College in Portland, Oregon, and holds a Masters Degree in Counseling from Western Seminary. He is an ordained minister through the church. Jason and his wife Amy had their first child, Abigail in 2000. Sadly, Abbie passed away at 3 1/2 months due to a heart defect. A few years later, the Lord blessed Jason and Amy with two amazing boys, Trevor and Cody.
Jason produced "The Map" in 2002, an interactive CD-ROM for youth, and in 2008 he produced and launched, an online support program for youth and young adults. In 2012, he produced Taking Back Ground Online ( and recently produced an online program for family and friends, Hope Group Online (

Patrick Silvis - Program Coordinator
Patrick arrived at Portland Fellowship in 2012 seeking guidance and healing for his unwanted same-sex struggles. Through the powerful love and discipleship of the Upper Room Community and Taking Back Ground program, he was able to surrender his needs to the Lord and has experienced tremendous healing and growth in his identity in Christ. Where he once thought he had to earn the favor of God and man through helping others, Patrick is now excited to offer himself as the good gift that God created him to be.
Patrick holds a B.A. in World Languages and Cultures (Spanish) from Mercyhurst University. He served on the mission field in Mexico City for 2 years and holds certificates in Cross-Cultural Leadership and Missions Mobilization from Latin America Mission (now a branch of United World Mission). Patrick has shared his testimony and led Q&A sessions on biblical sexuality in Portland, Idaho and Pennsylvania. He coordinates PF's Hope Group, Upper Room Community and Taking Back Ground programs. Patrick also leads worship at Portland Fellowship and in his local church.

KathyGrace Duncan - Women and Transgender Ministry
When KathyGrace began her walk into to the truth of who she is, she also walked into Portland Fellowship. After living for eleven years as a man, she yielded her heart and said yes to the invitation to become the woman God created her to be. Through her obedience and courage, and with the support and love she's received, KathyGrace is now living in the fullness of restoration as a daughter of God. In February 2018, she will celebrate twenty-five years of freedom and redemption.
KathyGrace has served at Portland Fellowship for over twenty years working with women in the programs. She is one of the teachers for the Taking Back Ground Online series, leads women's small groups and facilitates discussion groups for the weekly TBG meetings. KathyGrace has also given her testimony in various churches and taught on transgender topics. Her heart is for women to know who they are in Christ and to understand how valuable they are.

Roy Graves - Multimedia Coordinator
Roy grew up in an environment where the dominant opinion was that it was okay to be gay, but he knew his same-sex attracted feelings were inconsistent with who he is and was determined to find freedom. After years of seeking contentment through a false identity, he yielded to Christ's call to leave behind old ways of thinking and behaving, and moved to Portland to pursue a new life in Christ. By the grace of God, in 2015 Roy found the hope, encouragement and discipleship he needed at Portland Fellowship. After completing both the Taking Back Ground and Upper Room Community programs, he joined the TBG leadership team and has been leading a small group ever since.
Roy helps design and produce multimedia content for Portland Fellowship. He holds a B.A. in Media Communications (Radio, TV and Film) and a certification in Sound Arts. Roy feels blessed to offer hope to those in need and use his media production skills to serve the Body of Christ.