Family and Friends: Hope Group

Has someone you love embraced a homosexual or transgender identity, or struggle with same-sex attraction/gender confusion? Are you confused about how to show love in a situation that challenges your own Christian beliefs? Is it difficult or impossible for you to find people with whom you can share your pain? We invite you to join the Hope Group, our intentional discipleship program for family and friends of loved ones struggling with or embracing LGBTQ feelings or identity.
We have Three Options Available to You:
Option 1 - Special March In-Person Hope Group Gathering
On Friday, 3/21 at 6:30 p.m., we will have a special night of Hope Group sharing and prayer at the PF house. *Feel free to bring a snack or dessert to share, but it's not required (dinner will NOT be provided).
We will be watching a powerful testimony of a young man who was raised by lesbians and how God got a hold of his heart. We will also take some time to share updates and prayer requests regarding our LGBTQ-identified loved ones, as well as spend time praying and encouraging one another.
To register for this In-Person Hope Group gathering, please RSVP today.
Option 2 - 2024-25 Hope Group Program
Join us on Tuesday nights from - 6:00 – 8:00 PM (PST) October 2024- May 2025, either In-Person or on Zoom
This discipleship program addresses various topics that will help us relate to our loved ones with grace and truth. We'll discuss Dealing with Grief, Roots of Sexual Brokenness, Restoring Relationships,
Effective Communication, Responding Biblically to LGBTQ Loves Ones, and more.
The Hope Group program includes short video teachings produced by Portland Fellowship, which include a variety of testimonies from other parents. Handouts with questions about each topic will be available as we process together. In addition, we take time to share personal needs, ask questions, and receive prayer and accountability. The program begins Tuesday, October 1st, 2024.
Option 3 - Sign up for our Online series at
For those unable to join our scheduled Hope Group program options, you can work through the series at your own pace by signing up at:
PFHope.comOur primary video discipleship program is Hope Group Online, but you will find other video resources through this site. In addition to the video teachings and testimonies, the program offers PDF’s with questions for every lesson that you can print and work through on your own, or with a trusted mentor, friend, counselor, or small group. A contribution of your choosing is requested.
We pray you are blessed and equipped by the Hope Group program as you connect with other family members in a confidential, encouraging
environment. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to Contact us.